
Challenge 3: Managing digital presence for NAI Global brokerages

Managing a brokerage’s digital presence is a challenge for many brokers and marketers. When not done effectively, juggling property promotions across the brokerage’s website, property marketplaces, emails, and more can hinder speed to market and take up a significant portion of your day. It doesn’t have to be that way.

In this resource, we’ll dive into two actions you can take to effectively manage your firm’s—and your own—digital presence:

  • Maximizing property exposure
  • Maintaining consistent messaging

According to our annual DNA of #CRE survey, maximizing property exposure is consistently the biggest challenge brokers face.

Managing digital presence and promoting properties across a wide range of web platforms is the most effective way to get as much exposure as possible. But beyond maximizing that exposure, brokers and marketers alike should pay careful attention to maintaining their firm’s brand consistently across every web platform.

Maximizing property exposure

Strategically send emails

It’s not enough to just send emails to as many people as possible—brokers and marketers need to be more strategic. CRE professionals should pay close attention to their emails’ open and click-through rates to ensure the best exposure possible for every email.

According to our 2020 DNA of #CRE survey results, the average open rate for CRE marketing emails is 16 to 20 percent, and the average click-through rate is anywhere between 1 and 5 percent.

If your metrics are falling below industry standards, consider testing different email subject lines and calls to action in your messages. To avoid over-saturating your audiences and improve engagement, send multi-property email blasts that promote multiple properties in a specific location or of a specific type.

You can also revisit your audience lists and explore segmenting them in more strategic ways. This allows you to target each audience with specific messages they’ll be more likely to respond to. Segment your lists by interests, and by buyers and investors or brokers.

So, for example, if you know certain investors are only interested in retail properties—make sure they only receive retail property emails.

Being more strategic about how and when you send your email promotions can not only improve your email marketing metrics but also increase your chances of closing a deal quickly.

Leverage multiple sites—including NAI Global’s

There are countless property marketplaces for brokerages to list their properties. It’s no secret that the more places a property is listed, the more exposure it will receive.

That’s why brokers and marketers should leverage as many of these sites as possible—as well as your firm’s own website to showcase listings.

Buildout’s syndication feature allows you to instantly publish listings across every marketplace you use like theBrokerList, Brevitas, 42Floors, OfficeSpace and more. This saves a significant amount of time manually submitting properties to each site and removing them when the deal closes.

And thanks to our partnership with NAI Global, every NAI Global office can showcase their listings on using Buildout Sync. Your account is already set up and waiting for you!

Improve website SEO

Buildout also offers a property search plugin to include on your own website, which allows interested parties to browse all of your listings, helping keep search traffic on your firm’s page.

Using the plugin, website visitors can conduct map-based searches of your brokerage’s properties, and access documentation about properties they’re most interested in.

NAI Global’s listing inventory is powered by the Buildout plugin. Look at their website to see how your listings could be displayed on your firm’s site with your own version of the plugin.

With Buildout’s document sharing capabilities, brokers can gather contact information for qualified leads, and use those leads to make connections, build relationships, and strengthen their email marketing lists.

Maintaining consistent messaging

Highlight your niche in thought leadership

The strength of a firm’s presence online is dependent on exactly how its team talks about its services, in addition to the exposure of its property listings.

Every NAI Global brokerage has niche expertise to own, and they can highlight that in thought leadership through blogs, social media, whitepapers and more.

Follow NAI Global brand guidelines on all platforms

Ensuring brand recognition across audiences of potential clients, buyers, and other brokers is crucial both online and off.

From a brokerage’s website to social media, every single platform should use the same brand guidelines including logos, fonts, colors, messaging and more.

All brokers should talk about their firm’s niche expertise in the same way and use the same messaging and branding across their own platforms like blogs and social media as well.

Maintaining a brokerage’s digital presence can be pretty time-consuming. That’s why it’s so important to use a CRE marketing platform like Buildout to streamline the management of your firm’s presence across web platforms.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can efficiently manage your digital presence, check out the first two parts of this series on solving brokerage challenges: integrating data and maintaining brand consistency.

The secret weapon top brokers use to win more deals

Over 50,000 CRE brokers use Buildout to find, win, and sell or lease more listings faster. Stand out as a broker with record-breaking commissions to take your win rate to the next level. Request a personalized, no-obligation demo today.